Services - Mealtimes
Mealtime Management Plans & Dysphagia
- Is a medical term for difficulties eating and drinking. This can include difficulties chewing food or swallowing food or drink.
How can I help?
- Assess your eating and drinking during mealtimes.
- Provide strategies to reduce risks of choking and aspiration (food or drink going into your lungs).
- Develop a mealtime management plan so the people supporting you can assist you in managing your dysphagia.
- Work with your Occupational Therapist and/or Dietitian with a holistic approach.
- Provide training to you and the people supporting you to better understand your mealtime needs.
Food Aversions
& 'Fussy Eating'
How can I help?
- Assess your child's food variety.
- Provide strategies to develop a consistent mealtime routine.
- Provide therapy focused on increasing your child's food variety and a program for you to follow.
How can I help?
- Assess your child's food variety.
- Provide strategies to develop a consistent mealtime routine.
- Provide therapy focused on increasing your child's food variety and a program for you to follow.